Located in the center of the ancient city of Xian, are two of its most famous symbols, the Drum and Bell towers. The Bell Tower is located in the exact center of the ancient city, with the Drum Tower located a block away. The area has been turned into Xian's commercial district, and a lot of shopping can be done in the area. It is all beautifully designed and landscaped. At night, the commercial district is open late, and the Drum and Bell towers are lit up. It is a really beautiful site.
The Drum and Bell towers were used in ancient times as the time keeping center for the entire city. At 7:00 pm the bells and chimes were rung 13 times. Every two hours after that, the drums were beaten one time to keep time. These times were very important for local officials who had to rise early to do their duties according to the early morning drum beats. The towers are now museums allowing visitors get a glimpse into Xian's past. The bases of the towers are built of stone blocks, but the rest of the structures are built of wood and every inch of them is covered with colorful paintings. The roofs are glazed tiles and the two structures are incredibly beautiful.Located in the exact center of Xian is the ancient Bell Tower. It is a beautiful structure especially at night when it is lit up. Located inside the Bell Tower are a set of bronze bells and stone chimes which musicians play for visitors. The music they play dates from the Tang Dynasty. It sounds very mysterious and unworldly. On the second floor is a museum of porcelain. It houses some gorgeous examples of ancient Chinese porcelain from some of the most famous kilns in China's history. From the Bell Tower's balcony, visitors can look down the four cardinal streets of the city can see the four main city gates in the distance. The Drum Tower located a block away from the Bell Tower houses a large collection of ancient drums. Some are replicas, but they are all very beautiful and show the broad diversity of drums used in ancient China.
Located behind the Drum tower is Xian's night market. The area is a large shopping district made up of small lanes and alleys. The buildings are built in the architectural style of the Qing dynasty, and are quite colorful. At night, many venders, peddlers and snack sellers set up booths along the narrow streets to sell local arts and foods to people. The shops sell Xian specialties like art supplies, traditional fans, tea shadow puppets, and snacks. There are many tea houses where visitors can relax, have a cup of tea, and watch people. The snack venders along the streets sell local cuisine. Since they are located right on the streets, the fantastic smells are everywhere and even people who are full, cannot help but buy something to snack on. The people are very friendly, and the prices are very reasonable (after bargaining). Near the old streets is a large market comprised of tents. Dried fruits, pickled snacks, and touristy type items can be found there.
Xian's Drum and Bell Towers are just two of the many amazing historic and cultural sites the city of Xian has to offer visitors. There is so much more to the city of Xian than just the Terracotta Warriors and the City Walls. Visitors should spend a couple days to really appreciate this fantastic city.
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